Ensuring Customer Happiness and Retention of the Existing B2B Client Base for Ometria
About how we lead the development team as Interim Product Managers

The Client: Ometria

Ometria is an AI-powered customer insight and cross-channel marketing platform. The platform has the data capabilities of a CDP with a cross-channel marketing orchestration platform which helps retail marketers create personalized experiences throughout the customer journey. Founded in 2013, the company raised $6m in series A funding in 2017. Two years later in 2019, they raised $21m series B funding and won “Best MarTech Startup” at The Europas.
The Mission: Interim Product Manager
We joined as Interim Product Managers for the development team at Ometria. As part of the team, we were responsible for ensuring customer happiness and retention of the existing B2B client base.
Our Main Quest
We had to jump in quickly and lead the development teams comprising engineers, UX Designers, and an Engineering Manager by identifying roles and responsibilities based on the mission's needs.
Explore and Conquer: Solved for the Client
Initiative 1: Analysis of Feature Requests
As a part of this initiative, we had to come up with a prioritized list of problems that the clients had been raising with Ometria. To come up with this list we first started gathering the problems from ProductBoard. ProductBoard was where all the incoming email conversations between clients and the Customer Success team were collected.
The approach we took here was to understand the frequency of the number of times a problem was raised by a particular client. As a next step, we started looking at the problems that were raised by multiple clients. We closely worked with the Customer Success Managers (CSMs) to deep-dive into that.
What helped in coming up with a prioritized list of problems that the team needed to focus on and solve was understanding the problems raised by the ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) clients, the frequency of problems, and the inputs from CSMs to understand what are the critical services for clients based on their user journey on the Ometria platform.
Initiative 2: Discovering The Problem
As part of moving the development team towards the Canary Deployment Strategy, we worked closely with different development teams to understand their current deployment strategy.
We looked into the status quo and tried to understand:
- What the current setup looked like.
- What was their success rate with the current deployment strategy.
- What were the pain points related to the current deployment strategy. Digging deeper into understanding the pain points in terms of how big or risky the issues were and the number of past incidents that were caused.
We then looked into the existing knowledge the team had about Canary Deployments trying to understand:
- If engineers in the different teams had past experience understanding how they had worked with such deployments and in what capacities.
- What help they would need from the Platform team to successfully implement Canary Deployment.
These inputs helped plan the implementation of Canary Deployments across the different development teams.
Initiative 3: Async Reporting
As the Ometria platform handles huge chunks of data, Ometria wanted to ensure that even the larger B2B clients could run advanced reports about their marketing campaign’s performance speedily. To solve this issue we worked closely with Ometria’s Customer Success Managers for clients with a large volume of data, to understand their user journey on the platform and the goals they have while creating/scheduling such reports.
To address this issue we identified the solution with the engineers to develop an async reporting feature that enabled the B2B clients to have saved/cached reports. This solution enabled the client to save the filters used to create such reports and hence reduced the load time every time new data was fetched.
To have a smooth rollout of the feature:
- We conducted demo sessions with the B2B clients explaining how the new functionality worked and how it saved time for every new reload of the reports.
- We also organized UAT sessions and documented the feedback received from the clients.
- We prioritized critical objectives reported, the team worked on the fixes, and then did a Beta rollout of the feature with some of the interested clients.
- As we noticed significant improvements in the report processing time, we shared the impact with other clients. This led to more interest from many other B2B clients and helped them adopt this feature and improve customer satisfaction.
- As we were rolling out this feature for the different clients we actively collected further feedback around UI/UX improvements, worked with the Designer to update designs, and prioritized it for a V2 revamp.
Mission Achievements: Delivered Outcomes
Notable outcomes we delivered for the mission:
💡 Prioritized a list of problems/features to be implemented on the platform
💡 Gathered requirements from development teams and developed a plan for Canary Deployments
💡 Delivered Beta version of Async Reporting feature reducing processing time for report generation
Space Crew of this Mission

For Clients: When to Hire Us
You can hire us as an Interim/Freelance Product Manager or Product Owner
It takes, on average, three to nine months to find the right Product Manager to hire as a full-time employee. In the meantime, someone needs to fill in the void: drive cross-functional initiatives, decide what is worth building, and help the development team deliver the best outcomes.
If you're looking for a great Product Manager / Product Owner to join your team ASAP, Product People is a good plug-and-play solution to bridge the gap.