World Health Organization (WHO) Launched the Core Clinical Care Readiness (C3R) Tool With The Help of the Interim PMs of Product People

About how we helped expanding the WHO Partners Platform, a Virtual Tool for Readiness and Planning during health emergencies

The Client: the World Health Organization (WHO)

Founded in 1948, WHO is the United Nations agency that connects nations, partners, and people to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable. So everyone, everywhere, can attain the highest level of health.

Dedicated to the well-being of all people and guided by science, the World Health Organization leads and champions global efforts to give everyone, everywhere, an equal chance to live a healthy life.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Mission: Interim Product Manager

We joined WHO as Interim Product Managers to support the mission of expanding the WHO Partners Platform, a virtual tool for readiness and planning during health emergencies. With the Core Clinical Care Tool (aka C3R), WHO intended to provide governments with an interactive planning tool kit to improve readiness and support preparedness for the COVID-19 response and eventually beyond. It was designed to identify barriers to readiness and provide resources to take action; it could be used on national and subnational levels to generate a practical and context-specific action plan.

We were tasked with developing the first version of C3R (a tool focused on COVID-19) and later with the second version (an expansion of the tool to cover multiple conditions).


How We Helped

Managed the Initial Development of C3R

We worked closely with key stakeholders and the designer refine the first iteration of the Core Clinical Care Tool with an initial focus on COVID-19. Given certain deadlines and limited development capacity, we aligned on an initial MVP version and coordinated with several other teams within WHO to commit resources. Throughout the development process, we conducted routine checkpoints with stakeholders to provide updates and manage expectations up until its timely release. As Product Managers, we supported several trainings & presentations in the pilot launch of C3R.


Led the Expansion of C3R

Given the success of the initial C3R tool and core feedback from countries, we were tasked with extending the tool to cover conditions beyond COVID-19 (including Sepsis). After gathering requirements from stakeholders on the necessary requirements, we collaborated with the designer and development team to determine the effort needed, which ultimately included a complex refactoring of the backend. We identify the scope of the next release and built a roadmap scaling the tool.

With the support of several teams across WHO, we were able to coordinate several releases in parallel with important deadlines in the organization. We also designed a more robust system for stakeholders to add conditions in the future so that new content could easily be updated and properly displayed with minimal dev effort.


Delivered Outcomes

Notable outcomes we've delivered during our mission:

πŸ’‘Coordinated several releases, including an MVP version and later an expanded tool.
πŸ’‘ Established a robust system for editing content & adding conditions that was in line with the developed data migration tool.
πŸ’‘Prepared a handover document to ensure successful knowledge transfer & continuation of C3R development.


Space Crew of this Mission
Associate Management Consultant
Product Management Consultant
VP/Director/Head of Product

For Clients: When to Hire Us

You can hire us as an Interim/Freelance Product Manager or Product Owner
‍It takes, on average, three to nine months to find the right Product Manager to hire as a full-time employee. In the meantime, someone needs to fill in the void: drive cross-functional initiatives, decide what is worth building, and help the development team deliver the best outcomes.

If you're looking for a great Product Manager / Product Owner to join your team ASAP, Product People is a good plug-and-play solution to bridge the gap.

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